Wednesday 26 February 2014


Taking fish out of net
The fisherman are taking the fish which they have caught from their net
Early morning fishing
 catamaran and ship are ready to sail into the sea for fishing

large fishes
small fishes
many types of fishes are caught and they are even exported to other states and countries from kasimedu
weighting machine
people are using baskets for weighting large amount of fishes , people mostly buy fishes in whole sale amount
basket full of fishes
lucky day for the guy who got all the buckets filled with fishes crabs and prawns
early morning activity
people are busy taking fishes from boat to shore using catamaran


cleaning and cutting
not only fishing buying and selling but also people do jobs like cutting and cleaning the fish for their customers
block of ices
ice block is a important thing in fishing so that they can store the fish.they need about 80 to 100 blocks for storing the fish
busy day in kasimedu

team work
people do this kind of work to change load the fish into the market quickly
securities for the drying fishes

usage from waste

collecting the waste for use
there are group of people who collects the fish from waste and sell it for their living
bar gaining
people use to do bargaining wherever possible and kasimedu is a perfect place for bargaining
ice for storage

loads of fishes in a tricycle

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